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Unveiling the Secrets of Sugar: 56 Names for a Sweet Deception

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

A consumer purchasing sweets from a store
Unmasking the bitter truth of sugars. This powerful image reveals the hidden dangers of excessive sugar consumption on our health. From weight gain to increased risk of chronic diseases, it's time to take control of our sugar intake. Let's make informed choices for a healthier future. #SugarTruth #HealthAwareness #ChooseWisely

Sugar is a true master of disguise, cunningly concealing itself under various names on nutrition labels. Don't be fooled just because you don't see "sugar" listed. There are at least 56 sneaky "synonyms" for sugar that you need to be aware of!

Manufacturers make it easy to hide the true sugar content in products by using a slew of different names. While some are more obvious, like brown and cane sugar, others are cleverly disguised, like maltodextrin and dextrose.

Surprisingly, over 68% of bar coded food products in the U.S. contain added sweeteners, even if they claim to be "natural" or "healthy."

Sugar in Unexpected Places

Sugar can lurk in unexpected corners of your diet. It's not just in obvious treats like cakes, sweets, and sodas, but also hides in sauces, salad dressings, granola bars, and pre-made foods. Even seemingly "natural" fruit contains sugar.

Everyone's tolerance for sugar varies, but for those with type 2 diabetes or carbohydrate intolerance, consuming excess sugar can lead to issues like blood sugar spikes and weight gain. It's crucial to be aware of the various names and "synonyms" for sugar to identify hidden sugars in products, even when the nutrition facts seem low in carbs and added sugar.

What to Watch Out For

To avoid consuming excess added sugars, make a habit of scanning the ingredient list before tossing items into your cart. Remember, ingredients are listed by quantity, with the highest amounts at the beginning.

Feeling overwhelmed? Consult our list of sugar names below to navigate your shopping trips with ease!

Common Sugar Synonyms (Excluding artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes)

Basic Simple Sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides):

1. Dextrose

2. Fructose

3. Galactose

4. Glucose

5. Lactose

6. Maltose

7. Sucrose

Solid or Granulated Sugars:

8. Beet sugar

9. Brown sugar

10. Cane juice crystals

11. Cane sugar

12. Castor sugar

13. Coconut sugar

14. Confectioner's sugar (aka powdered sugar)

15. Corn syrup solids

16. Crystalline fructose

17. Date sugar

18. Demerara sugar

19. Dextrin

20. Diastatic malt

21. Ethyl maltol

22. Florida crystals

23. Golden sugar

24. Glucose syrup solids

25. Grape sugar

26. Icing sugar

27. Maltodextrin

28. Muscovado sugar

29. Panela sugar

30. Raw sugar

31. Sugar (granulated or table)

32. Sucanat

33. Turbinado sugar

34. Yellow sugar

Liquid or Syrup Sugars:

35. Agave nectar/syrup

36. Barley malt

37. Blackstrap molasses

38. Brown rice syrup

39. Buttered sugar/buttercream

40. Caramel

41. Carob syrup

42. Corn syrup

43. Evaporated cane juice

44. Fruit juice

45. Fruit juice concentrate

46. Golden syrup

47. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

48. Honey

49. Invert sugar

50. Malt syrup

51. Maple syrup

52. Molasses

53. Rice syrup

54. Refiner's syrup

55. Sorghum syrup

56. Treacle

How Much Sugar Should You Consume?

The amount of sugar you should consume depends on your individual circumstances. For those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, it's best to limit sugar intake as much as possible. However, spotting one of these sugar names on a label doesn't automatically

Incorporating Vitamin N into your lifestyle can be a game-changer when it comes to managing your health and well-being. By being aware of the sneaky ways sugar hides in food products and making conscious choices to reduce your sugar intake, you can take control of your nutrition and support your overall health. Vitamin N empowers you to make informed decisions and nourish your body with wholesome, nutritious foods. So, embrace the power of Vitamin N and embark on a journey towards a healthier, sugar-conscious lifestyle today!

White and brown sugar on a wooden plank in the kitchen at day light
Unveiling the Secrets of Sugar: 56 Names for a Sweet Deception - Image credit : Abstrakt Studios



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